
方寸之间,静谧之美 | 华润置地宁波-映东华府


- 蝴蝶钟爱花的芬芳 -




Butterflies love the fragrance of flowers,

The garden loves the haze of the moon,the garden is growing ,happiness too.



This garden is right outside my window, don't bother to worry about me, if you give me any thread, I can weave it with any thread, spring is with me.

- Raymond Carver,<The Garden>

| 构思 Concept


At the time of conception, I wanted to create an ideal relationship between inside and outside in terms of the overall layout. The exterior shows a fashionable luxury and concierge space, and the interior is quiet and comfortable. Combined with the Runxin chassis framework developed by Party A, under the living habits of people in the new era, try to upgrade and integrate the convenience and comfort of various moving lines in an overall portal relationship, so that every home experience can be It's extremely comfortable and relaxing.



With the contemporary design language, light and shadow are integrated to create a "garden courtesy" homecoming journey as a whole.


Runxin chassis: within the scope of no demolition and modification, the entire demonstration area not only achieves the separation of people and vehicles, but also implants express cabinets and takeaway cabinets, and takes into account non-motor vehicles and express takeaway lines; taxi drop-off and Loading and unloading parking spaces for large vehicles, etc., the convenience and pedestrianization of returning home have been achieved to the extreme. The functional moving line and the experiential moving line are well connected and connected as a whole, and complement each other, so as to achieve a very humanized home function and have a great home experience.

| 设计原则 Design Principles


The sophistication of Jiangnan is a kind of hidden luxury temperament. In such a small space, we hope that it will be in a square inch, full of temperament, a kind of introverted yard feeling that is different from the noise outside, break the routine and have the guidance of home, so that people can live every day Going home is full of nourished happiness and relaxation.

01 放松感 



True relaxation is simple, quiet and comfortable. We hope to create an immersive, private, and comfortable home space for ultimate relaxation.

02 引领感 

-Sense of leadership


Try to go against the mainstream to make the feeling of returning home more relaxed, soft, not rigid and ceremonial.




Modern people are under a lot of pressure, and we want to create a feeling of being "cared for". In a small space, the environment is soft and warm. Accompanied by the sound of water in the shade, the feeling of being nourished like the fragrance of birds and flowers.

04 院子精神记忆的延续

-The continuation of the yard's spiritual memory


People in the south of the Yangtze River have had the feeling of a courtyard since ancient times. In a square inch, there is only warmth, which continues people's memory of the courtyard. A tree, a courtyard, and a family. Four seasons flow, germination, emerald green, yellowing, falling leaves, and family members. The courtyard is a dialogue with space and nature, creating a courtyard that can communicate with the soul.

| 绿屿迎宾 Welcome to Green Island


The outfield will be demolished and modified in the future to establish a suitable and concise space sequence, create a low-cost transitional guidance space, and combine the height difference of the site to create an exquisite drop-off space.


The overall exterior is simple yet atmospheric. Entering the small squares inside, there is a hole in the sky.


Just like the hazy feeling of the "curtain" in the south, it creates a feeling that the outside and the inside are connected and connected.

| 雅廊礼序 The order of Yalang ceremony


Stepping into the curtain, a hazy picture is created. Light, tree shadows, and mirror water pass through the hollowed-out curtains, bringing infinite reverie. A barrier to bid farewell to the complicated world.


In the transition between the front field and the back field, the temperature of light and shadow passes through the hollow under the landscape wall, along the elegant sequence corridor, interspersed in the water system, and creates a flowing spatial relationship with the building box.


Guided by the wind and rain corridor, enjoy the ultimate homecoming ceremony. The "little bridge" continues the unique artistic conception of the courtyard.


Three layers of water fall down layer by layer, and each layer has a water system flowing through it.

| 光与影 Light and shadow


The perfect blend of light and shadow. The backstage cleverly uses light and shadow elements, and uses aesthetic principles to arrange and organize rhythmically and orderly. The light and shadow sprinkled on the green plants together constitute a very poetic visual picture. Walking into it, the light and shadow hidden in the details make the atmosphere tend to be quiet.

▲光影交织 ,辗转叠合,绿意在空间中蓬勃生长,艺术在长廊里肆意渗透。树影流过廊下,留下斑驳的美感,每一次转角都传递着情绪,自然生动于光与影之间。

Light and shadow are intertwined, tossed and stacked, greenery flourishes in the space, and art permeates wantonly in the corridor. Tree shadows flow through the corridor, leaving a mottled aesthetic feeling, and every corner conveys emotions, naturally and vividly between light and shadow.

▲自然的渗透、光影的流动 ,它是自然的容器也是时间的载体。我们希望通过这种光渗透的艺术来传递沉浸式的空间感染力,让光影的变换成为挑拨我们情绪的来源。

The penetration of nature, the flow of light and shadow, it is a natural container and a carrier of time. We hope to convey the immersive space appeal through this art of light penetration, and let the transformation of light and shadow become the source of provoking our emotions.

| 森境水韵 Green Island Water Rhyme


"Scenery moves with people, and people move with scenery", ethereal and nimble without losing illusion. The core of the project is an enveloping water courtyard space, which encloses an inwardly focused and exquisite green island water courtyard through a unified design language and functional combination. Green patches are implanted in the overlapping water to form a green island above the overlapping water, forming a flowing feast. Feel the blend of light, shadow, water, and plants, immerse yourself in the layers of water, and enjoy a comfortable life.


Floating waterfalls, gurgling down, listening to the heartbeat of nature.


Listening to the wind in the forest, drinking in front of the spring, a comfortable place to relax, half a volume of leisure books and a pot of tea. Three layers of water fall down layer by layer, and each layer has a water system flowing through it.


A stream of fine springs pours down from the water textured landscape wall, and the water flow hits the rocks like a small waterfall, splashing a little waves and gurgling. The jumping shadows of the trees are in harmony with the reflections in the water, presenting another dimension of viewing nature.


Take it easy, close your eyes, maybe you will smell the sweet fragrance of weeds in your dream.  Plants isolate the restlessness and hustle and bustle of the outside world, and can be static and movable to create a soothing feeling of welcoming guests. Everything is intended to make people slow down and relax, creating a refined and restrained noble quality.

▲徐徐归家,阵列的灯光如繁星点点,盛装树影斑驳与鲜花美色,走进觉知自然的艺术疗愈。 将大自然引入森境,感受万物和谐共生。重回自然之境,感受自然灵性。

Slowly returning home, the array of lights are like stars, decorated with mottled tree shadows and beautiful flowers, and step into the art healing of awareness of Introduce nature into the forest environment and feel the harmonious coexistence of all things. Return to the natural environment and feel the spirituality of nature.

| 设计回顾 Design review


The project continues the spiritual memory of the yard, combined with the leading framework of the Runxin chassis, so that the landscape, architecture, and interior space penetrate and complement each other. Every step, every scene has texture, and every corner makes people feel happy and comfortable.





室内设计:LSD Interior Design

景观摄影:Chill Shine丘文三映

项目地点:浙江 宁波 鄞州区




商务合作请联系 020-37039822/37039823




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山水比德总部位于广州,在全国有17家城市公司,已落地3500+精品项目,遍布100+城市。山水比德由创始人兼董事长孙虎先生担任首席设计师,拥有一支超千人的国内外精英设计师团队。凭借创新的专业技术和归心的综合服务,先后荣获WLA世界景观建筑奖、IFLA国际大奖、风景园林奖、勘察设计奖等610余项国内外大奖,连续3年蝉联时代楼盘中国地产景观设计竞争力第一,2020ARCHINA建筑中国设计企业品牌新媒体影响力总榜全国第一、民营企业设计企业品牌新媒体影响力全国第一,蝉联2020-2021 年度、2021-2022年度中国民营工程设计企业风景园林专业十强榜首,荣获2021广州文化企业30强、2022胡润中国元宇宙潜力企业榜未来之星、深圳特区建立40周年粤港澳大湾区重点项目“突出贡献单位”等荣誉、广州市建筑业“链长制”工作示范企业。





